Tuesday, March 23, 2010

10. Review and write about corporate ethics. In preparing for this entry, you might find it useful to visit some controversial corporate web sites li

10. Review and write about corporate ethics. In preparing for this entry, you might find it useful
to visit some controversial corporate web sites like those of Monsanto, Exxon, Nestle, etc. and
see what "ethical" issues relative to the environment and the use of human resources these
corporations face. The entry will be a review of your reflections of these sites.

The argument of "ethics" has always, and will always be just that; and argument. With our free thinking minds and personal opinions, it is hard to make such matters black and white. What is "ethical"? More importantly, what isn't?
When is comes to corporate ethics, the debate can seem even more confusing. It is more important to provide a good product, no matter the cost? Or is the process more important than the actual product?
Take for instant, Exxon. They provide a project, gasoline, that we value pretty high. It is something we could technically live without, but ask just about anyone here in America and they will tell you they wouldn't want to. Since they provide something so important to us, we tend to not look into how we get it. They are a large company and easily control a lot of the gasoline industry. Their website focus was more on the consumer concept, how to buy and where to buy.

Nestle provides a verity of foods and ingredients. They advertise as being "Good Food, Good Life". There is easy admissibility to information on the missions they support and focus on. Global issues like clean water, and sustainably products.

Monsanto advertises their company as a "for the people" company. Visually their site shows pictures of happy families, and hard working farmers in their field. They work to better the food that are grown, and the way they are grown.

I personal believe that it is not only important for a company to provide a good and safe product, but also the process in which it is produced. A company that take an interest and a stand for not only their neighborhood, but the global community shows good ethics. We are all in this together, and it is important we all do our part with the resources we have.

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